Founder: Mujaasi David
Start Date: Registered in 2013
Location: Rakai and Masaka districts-Central Uganda
Business Focus: Bulk purchase of grain, cereals, fruits and vegetables for resale. The company also adds value to pineapple through producing pineapple jam, dried pineapples and canned pineapples.


Mujaasi Investments Limited purchases grain, cereals, fruits and vegetables in bulk for resale. The company currently trades in grains such as rice, maize, sorghum and beans from Masaka, SSembabule, Mutukula, Rakai and Kyotera Districts. It has over the years ventured into value addition of fruits such as pineapples by processing pineapple jam, dried pineapples and canned pineapples.

The Agri-SME mobilizes local small holder farmers into solid producer organizations to consolidate its upstream supply chain. The SME also incorporates supporting farmers with agronomical practices training and business management skills to ensure quality output. Its procurement mechanism involves receiving farmers’ fruits and adding value by sorting, cleaning, grading, packaging and selling them to the most attractive market.

Godfrey Bukenya, one of the company’s directors, pointed out that in the last five years, the enterprise has managed to establish a solid base of a supply chain of 200 individual farmers who supply cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables in Masaka, Rakai and Kyotera Districts.

“We work with over 100 produce aggregators, 20 Co-operatives and 52 producer organizations in central and western Uganda. The groups have over 50,000 members that ensure quality and continuous supply of grain, fruits and vegetables. It is such relationships that have enabled us to have the company up and running for all these years,” Bukenya said.

Since inception, the enterprise has impacted more than 50,000 farmers both directly and indirectly through purchasing their produce and re-selling to the most attractive markets; hence, improving the farmers’ r standards of living. Mujaasi investments Limited has established a solid base of supplier farmers who supply grain, cereals, fresh fruits, and vegetables.
“On harvesting, farmers collect their produce at different collecting centers located in Rakai and Masaka District and the company receives this produce, sorts, cleans grades, packs and markets it to the most attractive markets to ensure sustainable income for the small-holder farmers,” Bukenya narrated.
In the next 5 years, Bukenya envisions Mujaasi Investment Limited generating profits for self-sustainability and satisfaction of both the investors and company employees. He also hopes the enterprise will provide the best quality products that will meet the needs and expectations of customers as they strive to become the number one supplier of fresh foods in the targeted markets.
